3rd Person


About 3rd Person

3rd Person believes that poverty is primarily the result of broken relationships and systems and not just a lack of material resources. 3rd Person works with key nationals empowering them to inject hope in their communities and restore broken relationships and systems within them.

3rd Person fully supports TenThirtyThree (1033) in which they employ Syrian refugees in the Quesmay community to make handbags and accessories. This business teaches marketable skills and creates sustainable sources of income as well as adds a valuable asset to the community. Eden Football Club (EFC) is a football club for 200+ local refugee children in their community. EFC uses soccer to develop teamwork, competition, sportsmanship, self-worth and prevents drug abuse.

3rd Person also runs a kindergarten 6 days a week for refugee children that teaches English, Arabic, Math, Art, Biblical Values and provides glasses and dental care.

Jonathan & Heidi Brockman, Morgan, Logan, Eden & Owen

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